Circus Workshops

Professor Bumble has been running Circus Workshops for over 20 years.


Fairs & Fetes

Into a cordoned off, or enclosed area, I bring a large selection of Circus Equipment which people (of all ages) can have a go at. This usually includes...

• Stilts
• Spinning Plates
• Diabolos
• Unicycles
• Pedal-Gos
• Fun Wheels
• Flower Sticks
• Tight wire (when possible)

I remain in the area to supervise, and to teach those who require assistance. To raise funds, some events choose to make a small charge for entry into the workshop area.


Schools, Youth Clubs, Summer Camps etc.

With groups of up to about 25, I offer a structured session of Circus Skills.
I go through each discipline individually, first giving a demonstration, and then taking the children (or adults) through in easy stages.
At the end of each separate skill, those who wish to do so can come and show off in front of the class.
The emphasis is on FUN as well as learning, and the workshop includes games and competitions such as the legendary Jumping Mouse Challenge.
For younger groups, I combine elements of my clowning show with the Circus Workshop.

• All equipment provided (including modelling balloons).
• Excellent references available.
• Fully insured.
• 25 years experience.

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